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6 Common Websites Redesign Mistakes That Negatively Affect SEO

Your company has to update its website in line with current marketing trends because it is increasingly serving as the public face of the enterprise. Similar to trying to sell a large product without a marketing plan or strategy, minimizing the value of SEO while developing a website.

To create a website that will be lucrative for the company, a brilliant Web Designing Company in Noida must be familiar with all current marketing trends and industry best practices. If a website is not ranking on search engines organically, creating it beautifully and spending a lot of money is pointless.


Your business's website is its foundation and initial step. Customers will come into your store to obtain a sense of your general operation, products, and services based on your website. No one will ever recognize you if your initial step is not easily available to the clients. Therefore, in today's environment, it is insufficient to just provide a decent and appealing website. Your website won't be useful if customers can't quickly locate and access it.

As a website owner, you must be aware of a few major and frequent design flaws that lower your website's SEO and organic search rating.

  • Pages that have Enter by clicking here.

Some websites feature splash pages or welcome pages, which means that when visitors click on a link, the search engine can send them there rather than to other website pages with the material they might be interested in. The bounce rate of your website will therefore rise as a result of this. Because of this, if you pay careful attention, you'll see that many individuals have abandoned the concept of a "Welcome Page" in favor of a "Click Here to Enter" script.


As SEO is crucial for lead creation, if you place a lot of pop-up advertising on your website, this will immediately impact your search engine position. Search engines will exclude your website from the search engine result if it consistently displays banner advertisements or popups.

  • Shorter list of links

We are familiar with the fact that internally linked websites are always given greater weight and preference by search engines. The user will be sent to the other pages of the website through internal links, which will link the website within the article. 

This will lengthen users' visits to the website overall and reduce bounce rates. The backlinking to highly ranked websites is also supported by the search engine. As a result, if your website does not have adequate internal linking, you are not doing sufficient SEO operations, which will result in a decline in the number of visits to your website.

  • Surfing Contents

"Endless scrolling websites" have become more well-known since the advent of social media. Whatever the case, you must understand that although scrolling works for social networking sites, it doesn't function well for search engines that are constantly scanning for terms.

  • Image name change on high-ranking pages 

Changing the name of an image on the page might suggest that the positioning of that page could suffer serious harm. This does not always occur, especially if the web page is ranking high in search engines. This situation essentially occurs when the website designers don't give their work any attention. When a website is being redesigned, the previous photos on the pages are replaced with newer, larger images with obviously different titles, which gradually reduces the page's SEO value. Search engines carry away the key elements of a page, producing a new page with little bearing on a search engine.

  • Deleting pages without redirecting 

Certain website pages would inevitably look unimportant to you when it is being redesigned. Building pages and making changes to them is not a website design. Understanding a website's general dynamics while keeping in mind how any adjustments may affect SEO is the process at hand. Lacking knowledge, a novice web designer will simply eliminate unnecessary sites and transfer the others, changing their URLs. 

A custom web designing service in Noida may modify the URL and loosen the duty of thinning. The designer is ignorant of the fact that if a page ranks highly, it may have a high number of inbound links or many visitors may have bookmarked it for future use. Thus, when pages are destroyed, the SEO value of those pages is lost, and eventually, the website is gone, which has a significant impact on organic ranking.

Additionally, to rank a website organically, Google also considers user experience. So, when a page is destroyed or the URL is modified, a 404 page not found notice appears, which negatively impacts the user experience. The simplest way to prevent this is to reroute the undesirable page to the appropriate, already-existing internet pages. Use of a 301 redirect in these circumstances is advised.


You've already put a lot of time and effort into building your website. Visitors will appreciate how lovely, alluring, and polished it is, you know.

The next action? Make sure Google indexes it so that users may find it.

Look for these crucial web design errors on your website if your SEO efforts aren't yielding the results you were hoping for. If you are having trouble, get in touch with Worklooper Consultants Pvt. Ltd. It is famous as a shop of all kinds of Marketing, Communication, and IT Solutions that provides Custom Web Designing Services in Noida.

Moreover, buziness.in is always here to expand your platform. It shouldn't be hard to create a thorough profile for your company. Therefore, we are here to simplify your life. We started our services to assist business owners in growing and building their profiles with only one link.

If you need any design services you can contact us without any hesitation. We are always here for your assistance.

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